Sunday, November 21, 2010

open water

the ocean

we are in the middle of it

because its been 50 mins,17 hours and 24 days

and i miss you seems like the only thing i know how to say

the waves keep crashing on me

reminding me on how far you're away

and it makes me cry

makes me want to just die

when youre gone

my spirit is with you

but i still float here all alone

taking it second by second by minute by inch

to getting closer to your kiss

that haunts me and makes me flinch

your arms that hold me

and your stare ...

ah baby... it just isnt fair

we ask god, why did we take on the dare

of this pain we knew we'd bare


because i love you

i need you like you need me

the air is polluted without you

without you i win in defeat

my blood flow slows down

and my heart loses its beat

...its that serious

when it comes to you and me

im right here and you're on the other side of the sea

with all the treading, kicking and fighting to stay afloat

sometimes i close my eyes to remember when we were on land

face to face

hand in hand

sane minds

with our hearts perfectly aligned

it felt like the closest thing to heaven

ah that beautiful day on september 7th

but right now i recite this poem

to the wall pretending that maybe

you'd hear me writting for you

feel my pen bleed for you on the paper

feel my heart beat for you in the life

we are strong baby

we will defeat the strife of the negativity

as these sharks circle around us

the challenges we purely disgust

and one day itll just be ... us

but for now

keep treading

keep floating

keep praying that these surrounding frowns

will never let us drown.

-Natasha Gordon

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